It was around the mid 60's this morning, so NOT BAD!!! We were shocked at the lack of runners out. My partner "T" and I had a lot of conversation to catch up on, so the first 2 miles went fast. On our way back, the unprecedented happened....T was attacked by the biggest bumble bee you have ever seen your life. But let me just draw a picture for you:
Picture a grown woman running while twirling, flailing her arms, screaming "Ew! Bee!". No matter how fast she ran, that bee followed her. Being the witness of this event, I couldn't help but laugh. It was absolutely hilarious!! She didn't feel that it was THAT funny...but she didn't see what I saw. was totally worth getting up at 5:30AM for. :)
The run went well. I was disappointed with our time, but we've been out of it for a week, so I guess it will just have to come with time. We've both started to track our calories and hope to lose some weight soon. I, on the other hand, seem to only gain. NICE. :( All of this exercise, and my body doesn't look that different!? *SIGH* Such is the life of a fat girl...
I'm sorry I missed this post - boo to me! I don't know why I didn't see it before. Poor T and the bee!!! That's no fun. Glad she didn't get stung!