Monday, July 18, 2011

11 miles under the 'ol belt!

On a Sunday.
11 Miles.

Good Lord, what were we thinking?!

I had absolutely NO desire to do this.  I woke up late, we had just done a 5K the night before, and I was tired and soar.  Oh, and did I mention that it was 11 MILES??!!  The longest we had done was 9 consecutive miles over 2 weeks ago.  My partner had woke up on time, ate breakfast, stretched, warmed up.  Me...I got dressed and set off for 11 miles.

I had 2 servings of bloks during this run.  We decreased/increased our intervals to 1:15/2:50 jog/walk.  I was hurting bad.  After 4 miles, we returned to my car so I could take some Ibuprofen.  We took probably 3 bathroom breaks, 4 stretching breaks, 1 choking break (dang bug!), and one or two moments to die.  We had my Ipod to listen to, which helped.  I was just tired, bored, and too focused on the pain to even want to finish.  But...we finished....3 and a half hours later.  That includes all of our little stops.  But my word...that was a long morning.  I have NEVER, EVER, sweat that much before in my life.  NO JOKE.  The heat index is only rising, making this weeks training schedule even more interesting.

Speaking of interesting, or should I say gross and disturbing.  We're pretty sure that we heard some people having sex in the parking lot...not something most runners encounter (Thank goodness!).

We saw a crane catch a fish out of the river....that was REALLY cool to see.  :)

Ran past a really creepy guy in a hoody (yeah, it was 80 degrees out and absolutely no need for a sweater) acting really we picked up the pace.  Amazing how some things can motivate you to go faster than you ever have gone before!

What's the strangest or coolest thing you have ever seen when out on a run?!


  1. Wow - great job!!!! I can't imagine a 4 a.m. run - you were done by 7:30? Wow - I wasn't even up for the day then and you were already done with 11 miles - WOW!! Simply amazing!!!! That's just so fantastic! I'm so proud of you. What a difference from 6 months ago - girls!!!! Woot woot!

  2. Thanks. Personally, I thought it sucked and I constantly thought I wasn't going to make it. But we did and now it's under our belt.
