Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Routine...what's that?!

The word routine is NOT in my vocabulary.  I can't think of a single thing that I do every day AT the same time.  Every day is different.  Some mornings I brush my teeth first, and others it's the last thing I do.  So how is someone like me supposed to get into the routine of running every day????

Last night was supposed to be cross training or 4 miles since I can't do tomorrow's 4 due to work.  I didn't do either.  I must say, I don't feel motivated to run EVERY day.  I miss it when I haven't gone in a few days...but running 5 days a week just seems like a lot.  I know that we're in training...but am I supposed to motivate myself to get out there and do it?  Especially when my partner is out of town! 

I'm thinking part of it may be because we do our long runs on Sunday, so then it feels like we are in the clear and shouldn't have to do much more than that.  The only thing is, we're in the part of our training where we are going 2-3 hours for our long runs.  Sunday seems like the best day to do that and get it out of the way.  So my problem is, the rest of the week I'm in a rut....a LAZY rut.  :(



  1. WHOA!!! Girl, you should NOT be running 5 days a week!!! You should only be running 3 days a week (possibly 4 days a week if you're pain free and feeling great otherwise cross train and rest). The very best runners around the blogosphere don't run 5 days. 3 days is plenty. Jus' sayin'.
    Hey - I'll train with you. My partner has been out of town and will continue to be out of town - I've sat on the couch for 4 straight days now - email me, call me, or text me.
    You're doing fine!! Keep you the great work. Visualize yourself crossing the finish line at F4F with the stadium announcer saying your name, hundreds of people cheering you on, photographers taking your hugely smiley picture and the best part - a medal being put around your neck - YES!!! That's what the "routine" is all about!!!

  2. I only run three days a week. Occasionally, I run four. I can think of only one blogger that runs six days a week. Three days should be sufficient for you.

    Keep working at making that running routine. Eventually, going for a run will become a highlight of your day.
