Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16, 2011 Shine Splints

Here's one for all of you pro runners out there.

So last night I had my small group bible study.  But before everyone came over, my partner and I did our 4 miles (details to follow).  So I asked my husband if he could run to the local pharmacy for me and ask the pharmacist which tape he recommended for taping shin splints.  Around 9PM he came walking through the door practically empty handed.  He said that he tried 2 pharmacies and they both told him that he was crazy...that there isn't anything you can do for shin splints.  WELL, I'm hear to tell you, that's not what my friend Wells L says...and what she says GOES!  :)  He bought me some wrapping gauze, like the kind that you would use if you had fractured your arm.  I wrapped my left leg before going to bed, it feels some what better this morning...but this can't be what I'm supposed to be using. question to my runner friends is:  WHAT KIND OF TAPE DO YOU USE FOR TAPING SHIN SPLINTS AND WHERE CAN I BUY SOME?! 

Our 4 mile run...

I was so excited to be out running again.  We hadn't been our running since Sunday.  We set our interval timer to 1:2 and set off.  As soon as it beeped the first time, we were off....but OH, OH, OH, did my legs hurt!!  It took a little while for them to warm up. YES, I know we should have done a 1/2 mile warm up. I stretched at the 1/2 mile mark.

The first and second mile were a little rough.  But by the 3rd mile, I got into my rhythm and found myself running through my walking time!  For the first IN MY LIFE I jogged for 4 minutes straight.  It might have been a baby jog...but I did it!!!  My lungs felt good, my legs didn't hurt, I was comfortable with my stride, so I just kept on truckin'.  It felt great!!!

Tonight we are resting.  And then FRIDAY we have our first race EVER!  We will be at the Full Moon 5K at Timber Ridge...runnin' our little hearts out.



  1. Good luck finding tape! I sure as heck could not find any. A few months back I was looking for some for the bottom of my foot. Everyone thought I was crazy! The running company didn't even have any.

    The best I can suggest is some medical tape that you would use to wrap and secure a cloth bandage.

    That or look online. Good luck!

  2. Pooor thing!! Shin splints are the worst!!! I use leuko tape and get it from Amazon. Here's the link

    Don't forget about lowering your mileage, icing, stretching, massage the parts that hurt (it'll kill you but ultimately help), get a professional massage - I suggest Ashley Peterson @ Sell Chiropractic - she's da bomb!

    Tape alone won't cure you, but combined with the other things can definitely help!!! I also wear compression sleeves that just keep the muscle warm and I think they are beneficial. Here' the link I use
    You have to buy 2 because they are not sold as a pair and the small size will fit because they're sold based on height (it's the ONLY garmet I own that is a SMALL - woot!).

    I also strongly suggest going to the 3 Rivers Running Company and talking to them about your shin splints. They employ a trainer who can show you some stretches and may be able to recommend a product like the massage stick or the rocking stretch thing.

    If it continues to kill you, you may want to go to the doctor. You may also want to go to a place like Sell chiropractic and buy some Bio Freeze (it's like ice hot but ohhhhh soooo much better!). They sell it in different size tubes and stuff and it isn't very expensive and will feel great (don't put on bio freeze then compression sleeves then go sweat - burnnnnn!).

    Good luck. Have you visited Dr. Google? google "shin splint treatment" and check out the web MD and mayo clinic sites. I also like this site

  3. Thanks for all of the advice! I'm doing some investigating tonight from the comfort of my recliner! lol

  4. I've heard that KT Tape does wonders. I've never used it, but know people that have and love it. Plus, it comes in all sorts of funky colors! :)
