Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15, 2011 Disappointed...

I must admit that I am a little disappointed with my weight loss during these past 8 weeks of training.  At first, I realize that we were probably building muscle, but at what point can I start losing some serious poundage?!  This isn't the reason that I decided to enter the mini marathon, but it would be nice to see some results from all of our awesome efforts along the way. 

Sooo...the big DUH.  To loose weight, I realize that I would have to decrease my calorie intake. (Wells L helped remind me of this :) )I'm putting myself back on the weight watchers diet(doing it myself).  This morning I have yogurt, a banana, grapes, and a cereal bar with me.  Granted, I won't eat it all for breakfast...but I have it if I get peckish. 

Do any of you out there in blogging land ever get frustrated with the lack of results from all of your hard work?!

Thanks Wells L for giving me a shout out on your blog!  I love to read the other girls' stories, so now I have some to follow!


  1. I'm sorry for your disappointment. I know we were all shocked when we began training for our first half at the incredible lack of weight loss. Then I was reminded 100 cal/mile so 35 miles = 1 pound. That's for running/walking. That's a LOT Of miles to loose just 1 pound and that assumes you don't "indulge" in an extra 100 calorie snack pack or something. A common theme in the blogosphere is changing your thinking from food is delicious and a reward to thinking of food as fuel - fuel that is needed to make your body as efficient as possible. Thinking about everything you eat as something that will either help you run better or make you slower and hurt your performance.
    There are several blogs on my blog roll where the chicas are using weight watchers and have really struggled with weight. Off the top of my head I'm thinking "Running to Health" and "Momma of 3 on the Run". Kelly (she's a follower of yours) has 2 blogs - 1 for her wedding in just 8 days or so, and 1 for her tri training. She posts pix of her journey - she's amazing!
    Good luck - rather then the weight, think about all health benefits you're obtaining (lowered resting heart rate, increased HDL cholesterol, decreased stress, increased muscular endurance, etc). Those benefits are worth it!!!!!
    Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

  2. Wells gave you a great reminder. That was the first thing I was going to say was take note of your eating.

    Often times runners can even OVEREAT. Believe it or not. It's easy to ramp up your workouts and then ramp up your calories too much. There are a number of online calcuators that might help you.

    And yes WW might be a good idea too. I haven't done it but know others who have, and have had great results!

  3. I don't need to lose weight, but I know if I lose 5 pounds, I will be a faster runner because I will be at my goal race weight. I discovered that last year when I broke numerous PRs. The trick is to burn more calories than you're consuming to lose weight. Holly is right: runners can overeat, and I know that I'm guilty of doing that. Also, I think if you increase the amount of time you run and decrease the amount of time you walk with your intervals, you will see more results. It may take a while, but you'll see them.

    Also, try to incorporate more veggies into your diet, even for breakfast. The natural sugars in fruit may actually not help your weight loss as much as you want it to.
