Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 7, 2011

Hello!  This is my first day of blogging EVER!  I have a friend, "L" that has a blog and I actively read hers.  It is because of "L" that my cousin, "T"  and I have signed up to do our first ever mini marathon and 5K "for the health of it"!!  We're both excited to be doing something about our weight and loving the conversation time as well.  We are interested in meeting other ladies out there that are also walkers/joggers in training.  Conversation makes those long walks fly by sometimes, which can be an answer to prayers!  Yesterday we did 3 miles and it was a killer.  The heat and humidity was almost unbearable.  I just pray that it won't be that hot and humid the day of our race!!  Wouldn't it be nice if they just stood to the side with a garden hose streaming with ice cold water and just hosed everyone down as they race by?!  I was sweating like a hog and I drank an entire bottle of water!  This is why I have bought the double shot lumbar support fanny pack.  I tend to drink a lot when running, and there is no way that I'm going to be caught dead at a mini marathon without enough water.  Today we're("T" and I) are doing 7 miles....yikes!  That's the most we've done in a single day so far.  Since the temp. is on the rise, we did 3 miles this morning before work.  We plan to walk a mile at lunch and then finish the last 3 miles after work.  With this schedule, I will be taking yet another shower today.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Dang that "L" and her crazy ideas for health and fitness!!!!!! Welcome to the happy world of half marathon training and to the even happier world of blogging!!!!! May you have a great time and learn a lot about yourself through the process. See you Friday at the Full Moon 5K :)
