Friday, June 24, 2011

Planned Races

Okay, I'm still trying to figure out how to use this blog.  I want to have clickable tabs at the top, but I'm not smart enough to figure it I'll just post some info for now.

The one and only race that I have under my belt thus far is the Full Moon 5K on 6/17.
(Okay experience, not much fun.)
I am pre-registered for the Runners on Parade 5K on 7/9, 4-H Fun Run/Walk on 7/16, and the Fort 4 Fitness mini-marathon on 9/24.

I'd love to hear of other races that other blogger/runners out there have enjoyed doing that would be something my running partner and I could do!
I don't want to over-crowd my schedule with 5K' anything going on in August?!
September is the month of our we'll be focusing on that.
After that...what's the rule on running if you're pregnant?  Might be in my future once the mini is over!!

My hope is that the 5K's will give my partner and I a taste for what the mini will be like.  I don't think our first 5K was a very good example, so we're excited to see what the others will be like.

1. As of now, I think we have the hydration under control.  We 
    both have a hydration/fuel belt, and we drink as much as possible
    during the day.
2. The food part is a work in progress.  I am keeping a personal
    Weight Watchers journal to help.  My focus is to eat nutritionally
    and to hopefully lose some weight. I'm also trying to figure out
    what meals work best for race days.
3. I'm still working with the pain in my legs. 
     Yes, after a week of rest, they felt better.  But the first TRUE run of the week, last night, my calf muscles and shins hurt like CRAZY!  We stretched several times...and all I could do was baby jogs with walking and nothing more. I think the key to this one is to find the stretches and warm up that works best for/with my legs.
Even with the slow pace and baby jogs, we finished our 6 miles in an hour and 39 minutes
Not bad for us.

I have to admit, we are really enjoying our new entry into the jogging world.  :o)  A 6 mile jog is no longer daunting to's just another walk in the park with an extra hour to talk.  It's crazy to find just how addicting it can be!  So glad we're finally addicted to something healthy...and proud of it!!!


  1. Glad you're finding what works for you. Generally, there aren't a lot of races in August in our area because it's sooooo hot! I highly recommend the Parlor City Trot 10 mile run as a trial run for your half. It's a good way to learn how to fuel and negotiate multiple water stops and get a long race under your belt. It's the Saturday of Labor Day. It's a smaller race (under 200 people) - but it's a very well organized event and a great practice. As far as others, I really LOVE Swiss Days which is the last Saturday of July.

    For pages at the top, click on edit posts then on edit pages and then on create a page.

    Good luck!

  2. Check out Kimberly's blog at for info on running pregnant. She's a bloggy friend and lost 120+ pounds and has seriously improved her running and has documented her journey of running while pregnant over the last 8 months - her baby is due in just a couple of weeks. She's super friendly so you can email her with questions.

  3. I have some local races listed on my sidebar.

    To get the tabs at the top you need to add "pages" Look for "pages" in your blogger dashboard.
