Friday, June 17, 2011

June 19, 2011 RACE DAY, RACE DAY, RACE DAY!!!!

OK ladies and gentlemen.....this is my FIRST race ever!  This is HUGE for me...and for T as well.  We seriously had a fire lit under our butts, got off the couch and started running.  We are finishing up week 8 of our training.  Tonight, we will be "running" or jiggle jogging as I like to call it, in the Full Moon 5K at Timber Ridge. 

We tried jogging in the grass and on gravel on Wednesday's run (per Holly and Wells L's instructions :) )  It was definitely harder to run, but the impact on the shins was lesser.  Today my shin is wrapped up...and hopefully won't hurt that bad for tonight's race.

             Sexy, Right?!   Wow those puppies need some sun!!!

I'm so totally stoked for this!!!  It's gonna be so much FUN!!!
So question, how early should you arrive for a 5K?  I have pre-registered...but we need to pick up our chip, bib, and T-shirt.

Also, I was planning on T and I going for a 1/2 mile walk about an hour before the race...just to warm up the muscles....DO YOU THINK THAT'S TOO EARLY?  WILL IT HELP??


  1. I'm super excited for you and T for your FIRST RACE. You only get a one first 5K so I totally hope that you girls have a great time!

    This is a small local race so I think showing up 30-40 minutes early will be great. You should pick up your packet (aka check in at the registration table and then take your shirt back to the car, etc). Then use the 15 minutes or so before the race to warm up and stretch.

    There are going to be several SIT people there so you will be in good company with people doing their first 5K!!! "C" and I will be there at 7:00 p.m. so if you need anything or have questions, come find us. PLUS make sure I get a few photos of you two.

    Sooo excited for you two!!!!! Good luck tonight. Run the race like you have been running your training runs. Ice those shins today as often as you can!

  2. A warmup is always good. I used to hate the idea of running BEFORE a 5K but now I'm finding even that is good. It all depends on where you are at in your running "career".

    I would recommend arriving at least 30 min before the race start. A lot of races ask you pick up your packet at least 30 min before as well.

  3. Thanks girls! Wish us Luck!!

  4. I highly recommend a warmup. It will get rid of any pre-race jitters in your legs and warm them up. Good luck!
