I'm sooo excited for the new kickers I ordered!
Women's Nike Dual Fusion ST 2 |
I went through Dick's Sporting Goods because I had a $15 coupon and a $25 gift card to use. These bad boys were originally $69.99. I searched for a cheaper price, but since they are a newer design, the price is pretty much the same no matter where you go. I ended up paying something like $32.09!!! Rock on!!! Dick's was currently running a deal for free shipping on all shoes....double score! I only have a couple of weeks to get them broken in before Fort 4 Fitness...so I plan to jump right on that as soon as I can. I think our 3 mile walk is canceled for tonight due to rain..but there's always things we can do in doors. Core muscles need some work out too. I read up on it on Runner's World today...very interesting stuff!!!
I love these shoes!! I know that they are BOLD...but THAT'S ME!!!! :D
Those are cute!!! Hope they work for you and help you kick some serious half mary booty. Not that you asked for my opinion, but since the race is coming soon - you may want to wear them around the house daily to help get some extra time and steps in them. At least until this stupid rain passes and we can all get back out there and run.