Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Out of it again...

So I've had this aweful cough that has made it impossible to run.  During my time off, I really started to HATE our 5 day workout (3 days running, 1 recovery walk, and 1 cross training/rest).  It's time consuming and I have a loving husband that I like to spend time with.  I'm one of our church's Women's Ministry Leaders, so that takes some time.  I have a house to keep clean, I have a full time job...but I'm actively looking for another...which also takes up a lot of time.  My husband and I are officially trying to conceive....so that is something that is always on my mind as well.

HOW ON EARTH DO YOU MOTHERS OUT THERE DO IT?!  How do you find time to do it?  Spend time with your family, work a full time job, come home and make dinner for everyone, and then go for a run?!  That means that you have no time for anything else?!  I'm not sure that I enjoy running THAT much.

I HATE being pressured into things...and I'm starting to feel pressured.  Yes, this was my decision.  I just feel like the stress of all my schedule conflicts with running is finally throwing me into a wall.  So far this year, I have had 3 long term(Well, long term in my definition) activities.  I did 2 bible study groups (I hosted both at my house) together lasting 32 weeks....45 minutes of homework 5 days a week.  During my second bible study, I had officially started training.  Talk about my nights flying by!!!  We are now in week 15/22 of training.  I'm really just missing my old life....when I had time to spend with my husband, be able to do a load of laundry in one day, cook a nice meal for us after a rough day, go visit family and friends....the list could go on forever.

I'm not talking about going back to a life style of couch potato...I'm talking about going for a run when the mood strikes you.  Working out on the elliptical instead of running, doing a work out video instead of running...ANYTHING but running...5 days a week.  I will tell you right now, the Fort 4 Fitness mini-marathon will be my first and last mini.  It's what I have set out to achieve.  When we do have a child, I want my focus to be on the family.  I want running to be FUN again, something that I WANT to do, not what's planned on the routine schedule.  I want to be one of those mommies that you see pushing little ones in a jogging stroller.  5K's will stay in my future for sure, those are something that I KNOW I can do no matter what...without 22 weeks of training.  I do enjoy running, but it's not important enough to me for me to rearrange my entire life for.

My husband works at a tomato factory, which means that their fresh pack season is approaching.  When it does, he'll be working mandatory over time 6 days a week for 3 months.  These 3 months are SOOO hard.  So these past few weeks, I've just really hated running for taking time away from him.

However, I can't avoid the fact that I have 7 more weeks of training.  There are several factors out there begging me not to continue (hot weather, loss of time with my hubs, having a cold, it's shark week on the Discovery channel, and so on), but I just have to do this ONE mini-marathon.  That was my goal and I intend to see it through. Our time isn't getting much better and I'm worried that we won't finish the mini in under 4 hours...but I guess it is what it is.  We'll do our best and finish.  And that's okay with me.


  1. Hey April! Sounds like you have a lot going on for sure. I'm still trying to find the best balance to get everything done.

    I read recently over at TMB -- Racing with Babes. She has a couple kids and side business, etc. She said the way she does it is to schedule out every workout - when and where, a week in advance. Then she and the hubz talk over their schedule for the week.

    Sounds like a great idea. Maybe this can help you!

  2. Hang in there girl - drop the cross training and focus on the important parts of the training schedule that will help improve your running - those being the runs and the recovery walk. I have always said (about this same time last year when I was training for my first half) I had NO IDEA how much time it took to train for a half. That was the one thing I was completely caught off guard about. You have to put your head down and push through these next 5 weeks then the last 2 will be tapering and you'll find a whole lotta time you never knew you had - it'll be GREAT!!! 5 more rough weeks - 5 . . . you've got this!!! You have to keep pushing though, don't cut it short or give up. You can do this - look at all you've done. You can do it. 4 hours - yes, you got that! No worries!!! I know you can do this. You'll forever be able to hang your hat on "I ran when it was 100*, I did 22 weeks of training, I did 10-12 mile long runs multiple times." Lean on your training partner and remember how much fun it can be and how much fun it was. Change up your running location/route. It's going to be over before you know it and you'll have the MOST amazing feeling as you cross the finish line. It's not about getting faster - don't worry about the time - I saw someone cross the line last year in 4.5 hours - no problem, you got this. It's about getting to the distance about pushing yourself so much further than you ever thought you can. It's not suppose to be easy - if it were, everyone would do it!! You're on a journey that very few people would even have the courage to take the first step of - head down forward march - soldier on!!!!! Imagine the finish line - use that to help you push through - one step at a time, one training session at a time, one week at a time - you'll be great!!!!!
