This was my sister-in-law and brother-in-laws first competitive race ever! Yay for them! My brother-in-law got second in his age group! He did a 28 minute 5K! Must be those long legs :). And my sister-in-law did a 35 minute 5K! Kudos to both of them! Due to their speediness, they both missed the rain and sleet. Lucky them!

I am part of a small running group called SPRING INTO TRAINING or S.I.T. There are classes on racing tips and equipment. But last Wednesday, we ran in groups according to our pace and style of running. The 2 girls in my group were a little faster than me, but were sports and matched my pace. So when I saw them at the race on Saturday, I went up to them and asked what pace they were doing. That's when they said "Mel needs a partner!". Wonderful! I was so excited to have someone to race with! Come to find out, Mel is in the same running group...we've just managed to miss each other. I have missed a few training classes and she missed the last one that I actually made it to. Hooray for new running partners! That was probably the most I've tried to talk during a race.
We set our intervals for 1/1:30 run/walk. The course wasn't all flat. There was one particularly steep hill that absolutely drained us and we opted to walk through an interval to catch our breath. It's amazing to see how walking through just one interval can put THAT much distance between the you and the people you've kept pace with. As we were both getting back into the saddle with training, neither one of us was in enough shape to catch back up. We kept our intervals after that and sprinted in at the finish line. Did I mention that it sleeted, rained, was windy, hilly, and freezing cold?!
(Left to right) S.I.T. runner and her girls. Mel and myself.
Running it in!!!
We finished with a time of 45:10.9!! A 14:34 minute/mile pace! SCORE!!! That's about the same pace I did the Fort4Fit in...and that was my best time ever!!!
Congrats! Love that you had all those photos! Boo to the hail - eek!