Friday, December 9, 2011


So, as we all know....New Year's is just around the corner. 

I have a resolution that I am starting early....why wait for New Year's?!

I am currently at my heaviest weight of my life.  I find this hard to believe considering that I just ran a half marathon a few months ago.

I plan to lose 40 lbs. by 2013.

I am on a 1,200 calorie diet with a new training schedule.  My calendar is wide open and I'm looking for new events to run in the upcoming year.

This is going to be a help and guidance is much appreciated here!!!!!!!!  And maybe a little support on the side ;)

Monday, 12/5/11 was my first run since the half marathon and my official starting date.  My long-term goal is to be down 4 pant sizes and around 60-70 lbs. lighter.  That's half of a person!!!  I hope to be at my goal weight in 2 years.

The difficult part is not feeling as big as I look in pictures.  I'm annoyed with my weight, but I love food!  The kitchen is honestly my favorite place in the world.  But there are ways to combat these things.

So here it adventure to a new me!  Wish me luck!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure where you are starting weight wise. But, if you working out on a semi-regular basis I would suggest possibly bumping up your calories a bit. When I went to the doctor about it, they advised me to stay between 1500 and 1700 calories per day.

    I lost over 100 pounds in less than a year doing just that, good luck. It's not easy but it sounds like you have set some reasonable goals for yourself!
